You may have questions about property specifications or the recruitment of skilled staff, about connectivity or about access to key centres of innovation and research. Whatever your priorities, our team is ready to provide all the support you need.

The Welsh Government has been fantastic over the past 10 years. They’ve helped us at every stepping stone.


We’re well aware that your process will have started long before you make contact with us. You’ll have mapped out your key objectives and started thinking about more detailed requirements. That’s why it’s important that we’re ready to go as soon as you get in touch. From our very first contact, we’ll set about tailor-making a support package for your business. Here’s what you can expect from us:

  • A dedicated and experienced sector lead
  • Location visits arranged within five days of first contact
  • Specialist property advice
  • Access to key networks and supply-chain information
  • Comprehensive options proposals for larger projects
  • Advice around relevant financial incentives and support
  • Swift decision making from the Welsh Government

Contact us to tap into this support system.

People and Expertise

We have a long record of supporting businesses throughout their investment and relocation process in Wales. Many companies have made us a vital part of their operations. Over many decades, we’ve developed a finely tuned understanding of the needs of modern business.

Our teams are made up of sector specialists with close connections to their industries, as well as detailed knowledge of the people, places and potential that exist here in Wales. With this expertise, they can make sense of complex requirements and identify the right solutions for your business.

We find it great working with the Welsh Government. It’s easier to get heard and get access to the decision makers at the highest levels – that’s really served us well from the very start. Things happen quickly and of course we’ve maintained those links as we’ve gone forward.

Government policy and Engagement

In Wales, one of the four nations that makes up the United Kingdom, the Welsh Government is responsible for shaping a distinctive economic policy that reflects our unique assets, ambitions and business environment.

Here, decision-making is designed to serve all parts of society, from individuals and communities to industry sectors, organisations and the environment. Our key decision makers at all levels of government are closely engaged with what happens right across Wales – so when important decisions need to be made, they can respond quickly.

Above all, our aim is to ensure that key investments deliver long-term sustainability and real social purpose – values that chime with those of modern, forward-thinking businesses.

We’ve got a fantastic relationship with the Welsh Government and they really have been extremely supportive. This is a much better environment than if we’d stayed across the border; for what we’re doing, it’s easier to do it here in Wales.

Find out more

Call us directly 03000 6 03000

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